10 Things that Defined the Last Decade


Relevant Magazine turns 10 this year, and to celebrate, they put a special insert into their March / April issue that looked back on the last decade. Articles include  the "10 People Who Changed Everything" and "10 Challenges Facing Us in the Next Decade." I was honored to be able to contribute to the discussion by writing on the 10 trends that defined the Christian movement over the last decade. In order to see the full explanation of each trend, you'll need to check out the issue here. For now, check out my "10 Things that Defined the Last Decade" and let me know what your list would look like: 1. The rise of a post-denominational generation

2. The wall between the "sacred" and the "secular" gets torn down

3. Me-centered Christianity gives way to missional living

4. Evangelicals reclaim social justice

5. We're more pro-life than ever

6. Young Christians don't have a political party

7. The rise and demise of the Emergent Church

8. Christians grow comfortable with doubt

9. Return to Gospel centrality

10. A worship and prayer movement spreads

What did I miss? Which trends would you add to this list?


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