Divisive Pastor Mark Driscoll Says Christians Should Stop Infighting


Controversial pastor and #1 New York Times bestselling author, Mark Driscoll, has been called a lot of things: bullysexistfundamentalistbigot, and even “the cussing pastor.” But with the release of his new book, A Call to Resurgence: Will Christianity Have a Funeral or a Future?the minister hopes to add a new label to his brassy brand: “peacemaker.” “The bad news is that Christians don’t even get it, according to Driscoll—they’re stuck in their cul-de-sacs,” a press release for the book stated. “Christians are isolated in ‘tribes’ on the Internet, and they spend too much time lobbing e-bombs at each other in cyberspace.”

But given the pattern of extreme speech that has marked Driscoll’s ministry, one has to wonder whether he’s the man for the job.


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