Rob Bell is Back


Former pastor Rob Bell rocked the evangelical world nearly two years ago with the release of his book Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever LivedThough Bell was no stranger to controversy at the time, nothing he'd said or done previously provoked the kind of reaction that this New York Times bestselling book did. By raising questions about traditional views on hell, he became the target of attacks by some conservative Christians and was heralded by more liberal ones as a theologian for the future. The furor even landed his ideas on the cover of TIME Magazine. Now Rob Bell is back with a new book that releases on March 12 titled, What We Talk About When We Talk About God (HarperOne, $25.99).The book, which lacks a subtitle, is already causing evangelicals to squirm as they predict it will become the source of even more controversy. This remains to be seen. What we do know is that a  trailer has been released that seems to be as intentionally vague as the book's title:

Some of Rob critics believe that he now lacks influence with mainstream evangelicals, but I disagree. His book is pre-selling well and I can't imagine that all orders are coming from fringe liberal Christians and the non-religious. I believe he still holds sway with a sizable number of mainstream evangelicals, which is why I have decided to explore the subject of his forthcoming book further. I've tentatively secured an exclusive interview with Rob that will run in this forum on March 13th if everything goes as planned. Take a moment to review the trailer and then let me know if you have any questions you'd like me to ask.

All suggested questions must be courteous and kind. No cheap shots, please.